Sunday, 17 April 2011

Clinic Cafe, Gurney Plaza

Sabtu lepas, i went to Gurney Plaza with my friend and found out this unique restaurants....let's have a look!!

At Clinic Cafe, Gurney Plaza

Like u are in the hospital

The food presentation macam dekat dalam hospital

Tempat tulis menu....

See, they replace the glass with this kind of cylinder...great!!!

So, friends out there try it!!
Location : 4th floor Gurney Plaza, Penang

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Clinic Cafe

Blogging at Clinic Cafe today.....

Picture taken will coming up soon....

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Welcome to myself

Hi guys...welcome to my blog
Well this is my 1st entry
and of coz i would like to introduce myself to all of u
Hopefully i can get a lots of friends while i'am blogging here....weeee~~~

Enjoy reading my blog~~!!!